2005-2010 Strategic Plan
Complete Document (44 pages, 970KB)
- Chapter 1: Document Cover
- Chapter 2: Table of Contents
- Chapter 3: "2010 Plan of Excellence" Introduction
- Chapter 4: Mission Statement
- Chapter 5: Overview of the University
- Chapter 6: Issues and Concerns
- Chapter 7: Stakeholder Satisfaction
- Chapter 8: Environmental Considerations
- Chapter 9: The University's Aspirations
- Chapter 10: Achieving Performance Excellence
- Chapter 11: Strategic Goals 2005-2010
- Chapter 12: Appendix: Committee Member Listing
2001-2006 Strategic Plan
Complete Document (53 pages, 170KB)
- Chapter 1: Mission Statement
- Chapter 2: Institutional Overview
- Chapter 3: Personnel and Organizational Structure
- Chapter 4: Campus Renovations
- Chapter 5: Fiscal Plan (HUBs and Information Technology)
- Chapter 6: Service Population
- Chapter 7: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Challenges
- Chapter 8: Progress/Outcomes and Student/Faculty Satisfaction
- Chapter 9: Planning Assumptions
- Chapter 10: Strategic Goals 2001-2006
1999-2003 Strategic Plan
- Chapter 1: Mission Statement
- Chapter 2: Institutional Overview
- Chapter 3: Analysis of Service Population
- Chapter 4: ACT Student Opinion Survey
- Chapter 5: Projected Outcomes Fiscal Years 1999-2003
- Chapter 6: Goals & Objectives
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